Home > More packing, and a week to go.

More packing, and a week to go.

June 18th, 2007 at 12:00 am

I know I've been a stranger. I am so busy packing. I think I am doing well, but the real test will be whether I will be ready to load the truck on next Sunday.

I've got quite a few garage sale items sorted out, too -- most of them really priced to go. The point this time is clearing out, not making money.

My co-workers gave me a $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble on Friday. It will be a pleasure to use it after I get to North Carolina. Hard to believe I have one week left of work! I am truly feeling sad as well as happy. I work with some great people.

8 Responses to “More packing, and a week to go.”

  1. Bookie Says:

    Retiring was really a bittersweet experience for me. Glad to be going and sad to go.

    I never missed the job, but I did miss the people. Good luck in the transition.


  2. scfr Says:

    Have you thought about what you will call your blog after you are no longer "Carolina BOUND?"

    Good luck with the last week of prep!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    How about Carolina Unbound? LOL

  4. LuxLivingFrugalis Says:

    Carolina Found??

  5. fern Says:

    This is an exciting time for you.

  6. Carolina Bound Says:

    Actually, I thought I would remain Carolina Bound, but "bound" in the sense of "tied to" or "attached," instead of "headed for." Nifty, huh?

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    Works for me.

  8. scfr Says:

    Yup - It's a good name to keep.

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