Home > Some good barbecue and a great open house

Some good barbecue and a great open house

July 30th, 2007 at 06:14 pm

Blew the budget yesterday when we went to Jack Stack for lunch. I picked up the bill, which was $68+ including tip. I felt compelled to do the treating, since we went at my request. It's the last time I'll be in Kansas City, and I wanted some good barbecue. It WAS good barbecue.

My son's open house went very well, according to the realtor. At least four parties who were "very, very interested." However, no word yet of an offer. The realtor wants to do another open house next Saturday. I won't be here to help out -- I'm heading back to North Carolina tomorrow. But with any luck, an offer will come before then.

I did a little pre-calculation of my spending this month. It's been a very high-spending month. Most of that is due to transition expenses -- paying off last utility bills, paying the annual premium on my health insurance, transferring services. I've also bought quite a few things to set up my new space. It won't be till next month that I'll get a true picture of my normal spending.

3 Responses to “Some good barbecue and a great open house”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Glad you are having a good time on your trip!

  2. Aleta Says:

    I think what you have been spending would be a normal thing considering all of your expenses (alone) from moving. You are retired now and you are trying to enjoy your time that you have saved for. Alot goes into learning a new area. I'm sure you will be fine. Enjoy yourself. You have probably worked very hard to be where you are now. Don't feel guilty about your first month of expenses.

  3. nance Says:

    Sometimes, we just have to loosen the purse strings, and enjoy family, and ourselves, too. Seems that when I am with my grown kids, and grandkids, I end up spending more than I normally would, but it creates memories, and is fun. It doesn't happen frequently, so it isn't a problem.
    You can go back to being frugal when you get home.

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