Home > Back from vacation

Back from vacation

August 20th, 2007 at 05:35 pm

I'm back from my swing through the Midwest. My sister and I went to a family reunion in Michigan; then after she went home I visited my son, grandson and friends in Indiana. I was gone about 10 days and overall had a great time. Looks like it cost about $410, which includes food, gas and some hotel stays.

Now it's time to buckle down on finances! I'm going to try to get through the rest of the month on as little as possible. Should be not too hard, as there are only 11 days left in the month!

6 Responses to “Back from vacation”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Glad to have you back. Have you noticed that living with your cousin has caused your budget to go up. I have a friend that had a family member move in and she found herself spending money that she would have never spent being alone. Just wondering, because it is easy to do.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome home!!

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    I am spending more in some ways, but I think they have more to do with having extra time. I have spent more on entertainment and travel. But living with my cousin is saving me a bundle on housing expenses and food.

  4. Aleta Says:

    That's true. You have to look at everything in total. It does give you extra money to do more things. I was just wondering because my friend's lifestyle is quite different from her relatives. My friend is very frugal and her relative is the opposite. It's great that you have someone that you enjoy being with as well.

  5. fern Says:

    $410 for a week of travel? I think you did very well not to spend more. Congrats. I am wanting to hear more about life in retirement is!

  6. Carolina Bound Says:

    Aleta, my cousin IS lot less frugal than I am. But I think I am S-L-O-W-L-Y influencing her -- I think she is seeing a new way to look at things.

    Fern, I must confess I forgot to add in a few receipts, so it was more like $500. But still pretty good!

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