This morning, four days after my first periodontal treatment, I had to admit that the gum around my molar was getting worse, not better -- possibly aggravated by my trying to floss there, but anyway, it shouldn't be as puffy and painful as it is.
I called my dentist and he said it was an unusual reaction, but probably just post-op sensitivity. He called in a prescription for amoxicillin and told me to double up on my Advil. I picked up the Rx this morning and have taken the first dose. ($4 at Wal-Mart) Hope, hope, hope that this will do the trick. He still wants to do the other half of my mouth on Tuesday.
While I was at Wal-Mart I bought some greeting cards ($8) and groceries ($20). Most of the cards were less than a dollar, except for a "thinking of you" card for my brother's widow and an anniversary card for my son and his wife. Those had to be nice, and just right.
The main reason I bought groceries was to get more Ensure. I am relying on it for nutrition while my mouth is so sore.
Yesterday I saw an ad for a 75% off sale at SteinMart. I checked it out, but ended up not buying a thing. Nothing really appealed. I'm so proud of myself for walking out without buying, even at that price. Got much more pleasure out of spending $8 on cards!
Mouth Going South
February 16th, 2008 at 05:03 pm
February 17th, 2008 at 12:57 am 1203209854
Hope your teeth & gums feel better soon.