Home > June spending

June spending

July 1st, 2008 at 03:33 pm

From most to least --

Medical/Health - $756 (colonoscopy, urgent care)

Car Insurance - $254 (semi-annual)

Gifts - $132 (DIL birthday, donation of dictionaries to school, early buy for cousin's & sister's birthdays, material to make greeting cards)

Clothing - $57 (underwear & pjs)

Eating Out - $47

Cell Phone - $45

Miscellaneous - $35 (checks, postage, newspaper ad)

Gas - $25

Personal - $20 (haircut & toiletries)

Fees & Services - $18 (eBay, Privacy Assist)

Entertainment - $15 (Netflix, Photo development, book)

Vet/Pet Supplies - $14 (Cat chow & vitamins)

Furniture/Equipment - $7 (Basket for things to file)

Total outgo was $1425 -- not good when income is $637. But $644 came out of savings for the medical expense.

Medical costs are my worst hurdle.

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