Through the garage sale and various little economies, I have finally raised my medical/dental fund to a whopping $177!
One of my old crowns fell out the other day. I stuck it back in with PolyGrip and I'm hoping for the best. It'll be a long time, I'm afraid, before I can replace it.
I opened an ING Sharebuilder account (mostly in order to get $25 for the new account). I'm a little bewildered by it. I don't really want to invest it -- my retirement nest egg is invested and that's enough fun for me! And I would have to add a lot more to it to invest anyway. Is it okay to let it sit? I know many of you are ING customers.
Medical/Dental Fund
July 2nd, 2008 at 01:32 pm
July 2nd, 2008 at 02:01 pm 1215003698
July 2nd, 2008 at 02:42 pm 1215006140