Home > Medical/Dental Fund

Medical/Dental Fund

July 2nd, 2008 at 01:32 pm

Through the garage sale and various little economies, I have finally raised my medical/dental fund to a whopping $177!

One of my old crowns fell out the other day. I stuck it back in with PolyGrip and I'm hoping for the best. It'll be a long time, I'm afraid, before I can replace it.

I opened an ING Sharebuilder account (mostly in order to get $25 for the new account). I'm a little bewildered by it. I don't really want to invest it -- my retirement nest egg is invested and that's enough fun for me! And I would have to add a lot more to it to invest anyway. Is it okay to let it sit? I know many of you are ING customers.

2 Responses to “Medical/Dental Fund”

  1. Jane Says:

    I have a crown that's fallen out twice now - my current dentist (not the one who put it in!) cements it back in. The first time she did it stayed three years. I'm in the second year of the second glueing now, hopefully it'll make it a while longer. She didn't charge the first time, but did the second (all her rates have gone up though). It might be worthwhile to call a dentist and see if it can be inexpensively recemented.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I just let my ING account sit too!

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