Home > Dental fund, fruitless tomato plants, and the cough that won't go away

Dental fund, fruitless tomato plants, and the cough that won't go away

July 7th, 2008 at 01:52 pm

My medical/dental fund is up by $8 because Bank of America matched my "save the change" savings. I probably won't be able to put any toward it this month because I have overspent so badly. Don't know quite how I did that, though the semi-annual car insurance was a big chunk. And having three animals who need Frontline every month is not cheap, either. We live right beside the woods, so our pets must be protected constantly from ticks.

Yesterday was a NSD. My sister came over for cards. We had a simple dinner of baked chicken, couscous, broccoli and watermelon. It rained almost all day which was a VERY GOOD THING! Right now we have 6 buds on 9 tomato plants! Yes, some of the plants are just providing greenery. The variety we bought supposedly doesn't produce until September, though, so there's still hope.

I may call the doctor today. I am still coughing from the bronchitis I had, what, four weeks ago? I'll have to check, but it's been a long time!

2 Responses to “Dental fund, fruitless tomato plants, and the cough that won't go away”

  1. Analise Says:

    When I had indoor/outdoor pets, I started buying Frontline from 1-800-PetMeds. I was able to negotiate a very good price and free shipping. The vet was so much more expensive.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. baselle Says:

    If you are fertilizing your tomato plants with a high nitrogen fertilizer, stop - it really promotes leaves. Check the first number on the package - if its more than 5, you'll want to change it.

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