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Just Got Back

July 17th, 2008 at 06:49 pm

I just got back from a long weekend in Chicago with my kids. It wasn't as expensive as I feared it would be. Gas was only $126. Meals were about $73. I spent $4 on tolls and $7 to rent books-on-tape. But here's the expensive part: $199 on gifts. That included two birthdays, a housewarming, contribution toward a cookout, and little things for my grandson, so it's not totally out of line.

I've spent a lot of money this month. Too much. I won't be able to pay off my credit card in full without dipping into savings. I don't like to do that, but I would like it even less to carry a balance on the card, even for one month. That is one thing I swore I would not do in retirement. So I won't.

I need to go back to pinching and scrimping.

Next week I have to go to the dentist for a cleaning, and while I'm there I'll have to get an old crown cemented back on. I wish I had the money to replace it now, but I just don't. So I have to waste the money on cementing it. I hope it is not too large a fee.

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