I did my monthly recap of my spending last month, and it was a very expensive one -- not that I'm surprised. I had a car repair, had company, bought a mattress and box spring, went downtown for a day (which cost $45 in parking alone)... oh, the list goes on. Here's to a more frugal November.
I started out November by buying two pairs of shoes -- actually a pair of boots and a pair of sandals. I almost hated buying them, I am feeling so penny-pinching right now, but I really needed the boots (getting ready for that blast of winter) and the deal was so good. First of all, I have a hard time even finding boots. They have to be flat, and the upper part has to be larger than normal. I found a pair that is actually VERY wide at the top, and you wrap and buckle them to fit your calf. Perfect solution. And they are flat, a good color (dark brown) and I like the way they look. Here's the best part -- they were marked down from $95 to $25. At the same time, I got a pair of navy sandals from the clearance rack for $5. I looked for navy sandals all summer, and how can you beat $5? So why do I feel splurgy? I guess it's because I wish I could just put EVERYTHING toward my debt right now. Yet I know if I pass up good deals I will have to pay more later.
I had a great weekend. Trick or treating with my grandsons was a real treat for me. They live in a "vintage" area of a northern suburb, so the houses around their condo are all turn-of-the-century. They were all decked out for Halloween. I felt like I was in a movie! The kids were over the top with excitement, and all of them so cute. Such fun.
On Sunday I went to a choral concert at the college where I work. They performed the music from "Beauty and the Beast." It was so professionally done -- really wonderful. And as I bought a "group" ticket, it was only $5. A reminder that frugal entertainment is always available if you seek it out.
A Shoe Story
November 3rd, 2009 at 12:39 pm
November 3rd, 2009 at 08:22 pm 1257279749
November 3rd, 2009 at 10:38 pm 1257287908
November 4th, 2009 at 12:25 pm 1257337555