Rent: $610 – got a $500 reduction in a raffle
Vacation/Travel: $486 – two short trips
Vet/Pet Supplies: $273 – mostly dental work for my cat
Utilities: $149
Eating Out: $125 – includes a birthday lunch (treating three)
Groceries: $105
Clothing: $89 – includes new hoodie, new bra, lots of garage sale deals
Personal: $86 – haircut and pedicure
Gifts/Charity: $82
Medical/Health: $68
Insurance: $61
Fees & Services: $46
Gas: $28
Entertainment: $14
Furnishings/Equipment: $6
Household Supplies: $5
Some unusual expenses this month -- good thing I won that $500 -- it paid for my mini-vacations!
Hope August will be a little more like normal.
July Expenses
August 3rd, 2010 at 03:06 am