Home > This weekend's spending

This weekend's spending

August 9th, 2010 at 05:56 pm

I was really trying to keep spending down this weekend. I had gone a whole week without spending anything. Well, I needed some groceries so I spent $39 at Jewel for some basic things. I also bought a book of stamps for $8.80 because I had to send out shower invitations. Then I went to Goodwill so I could use my birthday discount card -- 25% off. I spent $20 and for that I got two pairs of winter pants (will be a necessity soon), a sweater, a fall/winter jacket for my grandson, an Upwords board game, and a little whatnot box I will use as a gift. For my own birthday gift I bought an earthenware pitcher -- struggled with that one, because it was not a necessity, but so pretty. It was only $2.29 after the discount, so I don't know what I was worrying about. I will use it as a flower jug.

I babysat for my grandsons on Sunday, and my DS and DIL bought me lunch. They also picked up pillow forms for me at IKEA. I only had $3 in cash on me, so I owe my DIL another $3. The pillow forms were certainly not a necessity either, but it was a good opportunity to get them, as I don't get to IKEA very often. I have some beautiful fabric I bought at a garage sale LAST summer, and it's about time I made pillows out of it.

On the way home I stopped at McDonald's because I had a milkshake craving. That was $4.32, and definitely NOT worth it -- I will try to remember from now on that I don't like their shakes much, and go to Steak & Shake when I get that urge. Or just get over the urge.

On Wednesday my Discover card will "turn over" and I can spend a little more freely. I put all my non-bill spending on the Discover card to get the rewards, but I do have to be careful never to spend more than I can pay off immediately. Hence, my caution this month, as my expenses from my mini-trips have made it high. Of course, I will continue to be careful, but I will soon be over the hump.

2 Responses to “This weekend's spending”

  1. momcents Says:

    REMEMBER THIS: Steak and Shake has 1/2 price shakes between 2 and 4 or 5 ~ Happy hour is the only way to go when I have to buy seven shakes for my family!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Hey, that's good to know!

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