That is, the shower for my DIL-to-be. It was already stressing me out, and then a disagreement between my two DIL's caused a rift that ended with my other DIL not attending. Some others didn't attend as well -- one because of the rift, and some for other reasons. It was a small group, but it did seem that everyone there had fun.
I spent $114 on it this week, and that didn't count what I spent on the gift, or some of the shopping I did ahead of time last month.
When it came time for the gift opening, my gift was the least expensive -- or certainly the least flamboyant, and I felt bad, even though I had already given in the form of food, etc. I suppose people understood that, but I still felt a little embarrassed. It wasn't a bad gift, either -- a place setting that sold for $60. I guess I'm really getting old. In my day, a nice shower gift was a hand mixer or a set of Tupperware. It just seems that people are crazy spenders these days, all trying to top the other. I can't afford to play that game.
I was so exhausted afterward that I couldn't join the group for the evening bachelorette party, which probably made me seem like even more of an old grump, but I was so drained from the preparations and from all of the emotion beforehand, I just had to bow out.
All evening my injured leg ached so much that it spread to my whole body, and I finally went to sleep after taking a pain pill. (I still have a few saved up).
So, yeah, kind of a downer for me, but I do hope the bride-to-be had a good time. If so, mission accomplished.
It's over.
September 12th, 2010 at 07:18 pm
September 12th, 2010 at 08:35 pm 1284320154
September 12th, 2010 at 09:17 pm 1284322646
September 12th, 2010 at 11:19 pm 1284329969
September 13th, 2010 at 12:55 am 1284335700
September 13th, 2010 at 04:30 pm 1284391850
Yes, my DIL was very appreciative, and so was everyone else. As I said, I was just a little embarrassed because the other gifts were so costly -- it was just kind of a surprise.