September was a huge spending month for me. I SHOULD stay within $1000 for non-fixed expenses to stay on budget, but this month I spent $2400.
There are reasons, of course. I spent more than $1000 on wedding-related expenses -- the clothes, the shower, the travel expense, etc.
I also spent more than $600 on a computer, which I didn't count on.
So other than those two areas, I was well below budget. And I guess that's what the EF is for. Unusual expenses.
I'll be glad when things settle down and I can start saving again.
The London/Paris trip is still hanging. I went to the organizational meeting, and it did look like a lot of fun. But I don't want to go unless my friend does, not only because it would be more fun, but because it would be cheaper. I sent her all the details but she hasn't responded. I'm feeling like for both of us the timing isn't right. Me, because I'm feeling poor, and she, because of health issues in her family.
But you guys have certainly encouraged me that I can do it on my own in the future, perhaps when I have more money socked away and am feeling more in charge of my future.
Money out the door
October 1st, 2010 at 09:20 pm