Home > My weekend

My weekend

October 4th, 2010 at 10:03 pm

Saturday was a day of disasters. I went to the doctor to have a spot on my back checked. She is referring me to a dermatologist to have my whole body checked and she was pretty sure they would want to remove the mole, or whatever it is, "promptly." Well, I'm not going to do that till after the wedding.

Then I had a fender bender in the parking lot. It was an ugly confrontation -- we backed into each other, but the other guy demanded cash from me on the spot. Finally, he changed his mind and left, but it left me shaky. And now I have to replace my spare tire cover, which won't be cheap. (But I'm not going through insurance -- I had an accident last year, and I don't want to push me rates up).

I went to lunch with my kids and ordered what I thought was a "sample" of hot wings. It was a sample of 24! (Four different sauces, 6 wings each). I ate 4 and gave the rest to my kids to take home.

I went to buy a calligraphy pen to use on the place cards for the wedding reception, and had to buy a set with four pens to get what I wanted.

Bleaah, bleaah, and bleeaah. Yucky day. I've already spent too much, and these expenditures were ridiculous. It was raining to beat the band, too.

I spent all day Sunday at home and it was calm and relaxing. I watched two movies, "Up in the Air" and "500 Days of Summer," -- both great in different ways.

4 Responses to “My weekend”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    sorry you had such a bad day. That guy you backed into sounded very dodgy, though, demanding money on the spot.

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    Wow, what kind of sketchy person demands cash? Maybe he staged the accident.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Some days don't you just want to crawl back under the covers?
    Glad you made it out of there okay.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Yes, dodgy is a good word for it. I don't think he staged it, but I think he assessed me as an easy mark. At least he gave up quickly!

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