Nothing much going on financially. I have been hunkering down, trying to spend little after the excesses of last month. Last night I was extremely vigilant about not using electricity. Found that there is so much light leaking in my windows from the parking lot that I can get around quite well without lights!
During all the wedding hoopla, I got a letter from TIAA-CREF saying that they would start charging a fee if I didn't increase my balance in my money market account. Now I can't find the letter, and I can't remember what the balance is supposed to be. I emailed them yesterday morning, but got no response yet. It isn't anywhere on their website. I guess I'll try to call today and talk to a real person, but that is always so hard in this day of automated voice mail.
I think I don't have enough to raise the balance, which makes me question whether I want to keep the money market account. I don't care to PAY for a savings account. The kicker is that I have an automated deposit to that account, which I would have to stop, and I know from experience it is very hard to make changes stick with TIAA-CREF. Sometimes I think I'd like to just stick my money under the mattress.
Money market woes
October 21st, 2010 at 01:55 pm
October 21st, 2010 at 05:26 pm 1287678371
October 21st, 2010 at 09:59 pm 1287694742