Home > Triple A times 2

Triple A times 2

October 22nd, 2010 at 09:11 pm

This morning I was going through all the stuff I have crammed in my DayTimer and found two AAA cards with different numbers. I called customer service, and sure enough, I've been carrying two memberships, one in NC and one in Chicago. The fee has been charged automatically to my Discover card, and I guess I just didn't notice it was happening twice a year instead of once. So I cancelled the NC membership and a refund is promised. Yippee!

Tomorrow I'm going to a half-day presentation for a new building campaign at work (voluntarily). I won't get paid, but I will get free food. My only role is to be a an extra body in the room, so it looks like lots of people are interested. This is a pretty frequent role in fundraising, and an easy one! We call it "rent-a-body."

My emergency fund is down again. I had to withdraw $300 to pay all the extra expenses I put on Discover last month. I am hoping to build it up again quickly. I am cutting everything to the bone until I do.

It got pretty cold last night, but I still haven't turned on the heat. And it's supposed to warm up again this weekend, so it'll stay off a few more days at least.

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