Came in early to work today, hoping to dodge the dangerous weather that's predicted. Looks like everyone else had the same idea ... I didn't score a parking place right beside the building like I thought I might.
My son is flying back from his honeymoon in Puerto Rico today, and I am afraid he will be facing some delays. That's okay with Mom -- much better that he waits in an airport than to be in the air when the winds are dangerously high.
Yesterday I picked up a freecycle item that I plan to use as a gift. It's in the box and everything. It's a Debbie Mumm snowman platter for my DIL's mother, who is an avid snowman collector. I hope she likes it. It isn't actually something I would pick out for myself, but, hey, if you're a snowman collector? I think it will serve. And all it cost me was the gas to get there -- it was in a neighboring suburb.
On Saturday I did some CVS shopping. I don't find the deals that you guys do, but I did get some candy to bring in to work, half-price with a $1 coupon besides. My big screw-up was that I bought some Cetaphil and forgot to give the cashier my $2 coupon. (And yes, I would have gone back, except that I had ALREADY gone back to give her my $3-off-a $15-shopping-trip coupon, and I was too embarrassed to return again). Well, the coupon was soon to expire, and it's a product I use regularly, so I bought another when I grocery-shopped at Jewel. Now I am very well stocked!
At Jewel I used several store coupons and now I am very well stocked with Chunky soup and Dole fruit bowls as well. I know they are not the most economical foods available, but for a singleton who carries a lunch every day, they are very handy.
I am finally starting to get close to my 1c frying pan! I am saving Jewel stamps -- it's a promotion for free cookware that will last until January, I think. The funny thing about the stamps -- when I dogsat at the ritzy house a few weeks ago, I noticed they were saving them, too! I guess even the rich enjoy their little bargains.
Icky weather
October 26th, 2010 at 01:55 pm
October 26th, 2010 at 02:05 pm 1288098337
I've got one home sick today (wretched cough) and the others didn't want to go. Such crappy, crappy weather here in Downers! I'm saving my Jewel stamps, too, and would like to get my stepdad a nice piece of cookware, but I've got a way too go. Hope your son's flight isn't delayed too much. Stay warm and dry!
October 26th, 2010 at 03:56 pm 1288104979
October 26th, 2010 at 08:16 pm 1288120593
October 27th, 2010 at 05:30 pm 1288197054