Home > AAA came through

AAA came through

October 27th, 2010 at 02:10 pm

Got my refund from AAA today -- $35 credit into my Discover account. Nice!

I keep checking my Discover account, and I have not yet been charged by the hotel I stayed in on the night of my son's wedding. I am pretty convinced now that someone in the bride's family secretly paid the bill -- perhaps they just arranged with the hotel to get the bill for anyone in the wedding party. Anyway, I'll try to find out for sure so I can thank them.

Either that, or someone at the hotel is asleep at the wheel -- and I hate to wake them up!

Last night I had a very queasy stomach (probably from eating too much cake -- in was in the break room and I couldn't resist it). I still felt shaky this morning and I thought I would call in sick -- but now, we have a new system -- calling in sick means logging into a secure website that emails a form to your supervisor. The website wouldn't accept my id/password from home. (I've used it at work, so I know I had the right password). Well, I'm glad I wasn't TOO sick, because I finally gave up and came in to work, not knowing how to call in sick. I hate technology.

My son and his wife (how nice that sounds!) arrived home safely last night, and early to boot, despite all the warnings about flight delays.

1 Responses to “AAA came through”

  1. Homebody Says:

    What a nice surprise on the hotel room. Glad your son and new DIL got home safely to start their married life!

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