It's pay day, and I transferred $600 into savings, left over from last month's budget. That's on top of my automatic savings of $125, so -- good month for saving! However, I have a car repair in my future which will probably eat it up. I had a fender bender months ago and didn't make the repair, thinking, oh, the car is old, I'll just let it go. Well, I noticed it is rusting a little -- can't have that. I'm going to fix it and probably should have done so in the first place. Sigh.
Yesterday I went out to lunch with some of my co-workers in a good-bye gesture for our boss, who was fired. Today is the official good-bye party from the whole office. A sad day. My share of the lunch was $17. I believe this afternoon's party is covered already.
On the way home from work I stopped at Kohl's to use one of my $10 gift cards. (I got two in the mail, one to me and one to "resident.") I bought two pairs of panties. I thought they were 2 for the price of 1, and the one price was $9.50. I struggled to find something else and finally bought a card for $1.99. Come to find out the second pair was half-price, so I was already over. Oh well. $6.47 for two pairs of panties and a card, not bad. (The panties are an especially good-fitting style from Vanity Fair -- ordinarily I would hate to pay $9.50, but at this price, yes!)
With the second card I will either get two more or some warm-weather trouser socks.
Tonight, though, I head up to the North Shore to babysit for my grandkids. DS & DIL are running in a 3K tomorrow. Too bad, it will be a cold, crappy day, but they are still doing it, so good for them!!
$600 to savings
April 15th, 2011 at 02:09 pm
April 15th, 2011 at 02:18 pm 1302873532
Tomorrow is the 10K at the Morton Arboretum that my stepdad and a few friends are running in. I don't think I will be there to cheer them on at 6:30 AM. I will, however, be at the season openers soccer games (x3) most of the later morning/early afternoon!
Good deal on undies from Kohl's! Have fun with the grandkids!
April 15th, 2011 at 04:39 pm 1302881955