Home > Fifteen Items

Fifteen Items

April 18th, 2011 at 01:51 pm

My fifteen items, purchased yesterday:

2 bags of disposable razors (1 free w/coupon)
Pecan Sandies (on sale)
Fresh strawberries (on sale)
Whole Wheat Bread (on sale)
2 bags premium cat chow ($2 off coupon)
1 bag generic cat chow
Greek yogurt
Wine (on sale)
2 bowls Bob Evans mac & cheese (on sale and $1 off coupon)
Bag of Rolos
Package of boneless skinless chicken breasts (on sale)

Total: $65.47

I also bought lunch for my son's family this weekend: $31.63. And I went back to Kohl's with my second coupon and bought two more pairs of panties: $4.59.

Since it was a spendy weekend, I didn't go to Goodwill.

Woke up to snow on the ground this morning! And my weight went up, even though I have stuck to the diet. Ugh. Bad mood all round.

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