My Netflix bill hit my credit card. Since I didn't count Netflix among my fixed expenses, and I expect to want entertainment when I retire, I counted it.
Last night I hard-boiled some eggs and cut up the two packages of chicken breastd into medallions (most of which went into the freezer. So much easier to cook that way. I expect these groceries will last me a while. Tonight I'm having chicken stroganoff.
I got my notice from Amazon today that it is time to ship Align. I told them to skip this shipment. I have plenty of probiotic pearls to get me through till the next shipment. They may not work as well, but they will help some, I'm sure.
I have a doctor's appointment coming up, but I will reschedule. Not just because of the challenge -- I have to go to a retreat that day. But I will make the new appointment in September.
Got an email coupon today for a free birthday scoop of ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. That should be totally free! No tip involved!
$159 left
August 9th, 2011 at 10:13 pm
August 10th, 2011 at 06:54 pm 1312998842