Home > Nice news

Nice news

August 21st, 2011 at 11:03 am

I had some nice news yesterday not at all related to health -- well, somewhat.

My appeal was accepted! BCBS HMO will pay the $8,000 to the surgery center for the removal of the pin. I feel like I just had Christmas!

Now it's on to the next big medical financial challenge. I also got in the mail an acknowledgment that benefits will be paid for my admission to the hospital for three days -- huh? I've been here twelve days already! Why did I get that kind of a notice without even being discharged yet?

Guess I'll wait and see.

I continue to feel better and I am so very hopeful that I will be dismissed on Tuesday after the observation period is over.

After that I will be committed to housebound (visiting nurse) care for ten days while I continue to get anitbiotics. Then the surgery can be scheduled weeks after that. It would be so much better than a bigger, more complicated surgery now.

There is a lot of work I can do from home once I get there, so I may not have to take medical leave. Just a whole lot of sick time!

8 Responses to “Nice news”

  1. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I hope get home soon! It can be expensive for hospital stays these days. Hope you get your full hospital expensive back.

    Look after yourself when you get home.


  2. patientsaver Says:

    That is very good news.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    That is great news!!

  4. Analise Says:

    That's good news. Hope you get to go home soon and that you will come through this with everything working out the way you want.

  5. snafu Says:

    Wishing you're well soon. How frustrating to pay premiums month in and month out only to have to work hard to get the insurer to pay up. Of course you are at your most vulnerable when recovering from surgeries or severe illness. Do you have an advocacy group who helps direct you to the most effective words and write-up.

  6. HouseHopeful Says:

    That's really great news!

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm glad they decided to pay for it. That must be a relief.

  8. PNW Mom Says:

    That's great news!

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