The medical bills are starting to hit. Yesterday I got four of them. They totaled $490. Three of them were for radiology, and one was pharmacy and minor surgery. Minor surgery, I ask? What was that? Then I remembered that having one of the abscesses drained was considered minor surgery.
On the BCBS website, I see that the hospital has charged for the two-week-plus stay. $95,000! Insurance is still considering what it will pay, so I don't know yet what my responsibility will be. But wow. The house I used to own cost $95,000.
I called FlexPro to see how much is left in my flexible spending account. I have $261. I charged $76 to it from the bills above, so now I have $185.
I had to write checks for two of the bills, as they didn't provide any option for credit card payment. (My FlexPro account is a debit card). Well, there will still be plenty of opportunities to use up that money.
In other news, I signed up to take part in a book discussion at the library. The book is "Little Heathens," a memoir about growing up during the Great Depression. I haven't started reading it yet, but the topic interests me. A second program will be a presentation about depression-era recipes, and that interest me, too.
Medical bills
September 20th, 2011 at 03:04 pm
September 20th, 2011 at 03:13 pm 1316528030
September 20th, 2011 at 03:20 pm 1316528451
September 20th, 2011 at 05:31 pm 1316536275
Mind you, this does not include all the radiology, doctor's fees, pharmacy etc. Mind-boggling!