Home > Ouchy-wouchy


September 22nd, 2011 at 03:30 pm

Now the medical bills are starting to hurt. Yesterday I got one for $658. I charged it to my Discover card, but that will tip the balance enough that I will have to dip into savings next month to pay the whole thing off.

I know that's what my emergency fund is for, but I hate to use it.

Any bills I get that are under $150 I will put on the FlexPro card. Looking at the BCBS website, it is obvious there are many to come.

The site says I have a limit of $1750 out of pocket. But the list of bills clearly totals up to way more than that. I wonder how it will work.

Meanwhile, I am keeping a notebook with a copy of every bill I pay, just in case it gets ugly.

I had an old friend stop by for lunch yesterday and I treated at a local restaurant. $25 for the two of us. We had chili and split a sandwich. She talked about planning a "girl's weekend" here in Chicago with another friend of ours. She lives in Indiana and the other friend is in Minnesota, so Chicago is the midway point. Very convenient for me! Plans haven't materialized yet, but I think the idea is a night in one of the downtown hotels and dinner out. Sounds fun, but pricey. I'm definitely the poor one in this group. And now that all my extra money is going to medical bills -- well, it will be a challenge.

2 Responses to “Ouchy-wouchy”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    CB: Do think about using priceline or hotwire on an expensive downtown hotel. I've got great deals in the past--the Intercontinental on Michigan for under $100 or the Westin for $60. Such luxury at such a good price.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    A good idea, EC! I once had a friend visit and she stayed in a great hotel for a really cheap price. She went through Hotwire.

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