Home > Grocery savings etc.

Grocery savings etc.

September 25th, 2011 at 06:37 pm

For this week's grocery visit, instead of focusing on 15 items, I decided to maximize my coupon use. I had some that were ready to expire. Ironically, I bought 13 items, still well within my goal!

Head & Shoulders shampoo ($1 off coupon)
Cat Chow ($1 off coupon)
Advil ($1.80 off coupon & on sale)
2 bottles Chi-Chi's salsa ($1 off coupon & on sale)
Low-dose aspirin (on sale)
Keebler cookies (on sale)
Hummus ($1 off coupon)
Beef lunchmeat (house brand)
2 lbs. butter ($1 off & on sale)
Mayonnaise (house brand, $1 off coupon & on sale)
Bag of gala apples ($1 off coupon)

Total: $42.44
Total savings: $18

I'm pretty proud of the savings -- also the fact that everything I bought is something I use regularly.

Had a great time at my grandson's birthday party, but I came home to a reminder of why I'm being so frugal -- in the mail was a letter from BCBS, a copy of what they had sent to the hospital. They are denying the $95,000 claim until the hospital provides more information. Oy! This is totally out of my control but it makes me uncomfortable. I thought switching to a PPO plan would spare me this kind of grief, but apparently not. All I can say is, I hope the hospital follows through. They can't get $95,000 out of me -- that's more than two years' salary -- gross!

Today I'm resisting turning on the heat. It's a little cool, but I'm moderately comfortable in my sweatshirt. Tonight I'll use the heated mattress pad.

My only errand today -- a haircut!

3 Responses to “Grocery savings etc.”

  1. snafu Says:

    Real food savings $3. for apples, butter, mayo. I wish there were better coupons for edibles, food stores higher profit items are non-food. Do discount stores in your region accept coupons?

  2. rob62521 Says:

    You making this into an art! Good show!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Wal-Mart does, of course. There is a a discount store called Ultra, but I haven't been there; it's not too close. My Jewel-Osco is convenient, and many of the coupons I used were store coupons.

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