Home > October spending

October spending

November 2nd, 2011 at 12:05 pm

In October, my total was average despite high medical bills and a vet bill. Here is how it went:

Rent: 1132
Medical/Health: 539
Utilities: 171
Vet/Pet Supplies: 148
Business: 98
Groceries: 97
Gifts/Charity: 70
Insurance: 66
Gas: 56
Eating Out: 37
Furnishings/Equipment: 34
Household Supplies: 22
Entertainment: 8

Total: 2480

Last night I met my son and his family in Des Plaines to pick up my phone. I contributed $20 to the meal at a Hungarian restaurant.

Yesterday we had a health fair at work. Not only did I get a free lunch (sub sandwich, banana, Sun Chips), but I also won a stadium blanket!

Last night I did a second-round Pinecone survey that paid $10.

I'm considering opening an ING savings account, though I am old enough that the idea of an online savings account kind of freaks me. But now that I have a decent chunk of money, I'd like for it to earn SOME interest, however small. But it has to be accessible, too. It is my emergency fund.

Gotta run to work!

1 Responses to “October spending”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Wow! A $10 pincone survey? I only get the $3 ones.

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