I went to Goodwill after work today, fully expecting to get the 15%-off senior-citizen discount again. I didn't get it. I couldn't complain, because I'm not 65. I guess I just looked younger today!
I did use my Goodwill card, which saves 5%. And let's face it, the prices are already very low.
I spent $30 and here is what I got:
A Van Heusen shirt for my brother-in-law
A summer top for me
A silk scarf
A porcelain Santa, sleigh & reindeer for my DIL's Christmas village
A pair of Talbots pants
A set of Winnie-the-Pooh storybooks
2 Blue Willow plates
A Ravensburger puzzle
A Pampered Chef adjustable measuring spoon
2 red Carolina candles (new, in wrapper)
2 pairs of men's Adidas socks (new)
A wooden spoon (new)
A decorative wooden schoolhouse
Some will be gifts, some will stay with me, and some will go to the booth. It was a good trip. I always feel a little guilty when I'm leaving the store, but when I come home and unpack my stuff, I marvel at all my good bargains. The pants alone probably retailed for $50-60. The socks had a price tag for $12.
I got onto the Comcast website today to check my account after making the change to basic cable yesterday. My account was deactivated! I called and got a nice person who helped me through the process of doing the on-phone contract, which I should have done yesterday, but was disconnected. At the time I thought it was weird, but it wasn't until I got on the website today that I realized it was just wrong. I'm so glad I checked.
I got a free breakfast today -- donuts at work -- always such a nutritious meal, but hey! It was free! I still kept within my calorie count
Not a senior today!
January 5th, 2012 at 03:48 am