Well, today I ventured out of the house, mainly to do my grocery shopping. I was pretty excited that I had no non-food items I had to get, and that I could devote all $20 to food.
It went fast. On my list I had the makings for split pea soup and lasagna, but it became clear pretty fast that it was only going to be pea soup. (And I already have the split peas!) I had to buy onions, carrots and celery for the soup. Determined to get the best unit price, I bought 3 lbs. of onions, 2 lbs of carrots and a lb. of celery. Then I needed the meat component. I was going to get a ham hock, but they only had them packaged in units of 3 or 4. Well, I only wanted one. I went to the butcher's counter and asked for one, and they said they couldn't do it -- there were none in back and they didn't want to break up a package. Okay, I know I could have frozen the other hocks, but it kind of irked me. I decided instead to buy a ham steak with a bone. That way I would have the bone plus meat for the soup, as well as plenty of extra meat for my low-carb days. The ham was $6. I didn't have enough money for ground beef, too, so I went to other things on my list, skipping the lasagna items entirely. I picked up cream, soy sauce, eggs and bread. I had $2 left. How to spend $2? It's not easy. There is very little, anymore, that only costs $2! I ended up buying a jar of bay leaf, which I needed for my soup, anyway.
I had forgotten until the last minute that I had a coupon for $2 off my order (someone had left it at the register last week!) So, using that, I still had $2 left.
I was on my way to Wal-Mart anyway, to buy a button, so I decided I'd buy a $2 grocery item there. I did; I got a can of Grands biscuits.
Now, the story behind the button -- I put on one of my favorite cardigans this week and realized that a button was missing. They are somewhat large, somewhat unusual black buttons. I knew that matching it was a slim chance. And especially so at Wal-Mart, it turned out. They have severely cut back their sewing department; what they have now compares to what they would have at any grocery store -- a very slim selection.
So I didn't get a button. Now, I can either go to a real fabric store, or I can substitute a different button. If I put the different button at the neck it might look intentional, especially if is a bit fancy. And if that's what I do, I really need to look at what I have here at home. I have a button box somewhere. I just don't know where!
Ever since I've moved here, I've had the "where is it?" problem. I knew where everything was at my previous home, but here it is a mystery. It's not that I'm not organized, it's just that the space is different, and my memory is worse. I had the same thing with safety pins recently. Where are they? I looked everywhere, and finally remembered I had put them in a covered casserole I had on display. I need to write these things down. And then hope that I can find the list.
Anyway, after Wal-Mart, I filled the tank. It was almost half-full, but in cold weather I don't like to ever let it get below a half-tank. That was $27. And I picked up my dry cleaning - $6 - and left off a pair of pants to be shortened. (They were the Talbot's pants I got at Goodwill a few weeks ago. I decided not to shorten them myself, as the work I do never holds up in the wash -- and these are washable pants).
Came home and had the mashed potatoes/cheese/onion dish for lunch again. Watched a movie on Netflix.
I took the laundry off the rack. It was indeed very stiff, but I dried it for 10 minutes and it was fine.
I hear the freezing rain hitting the pain. I'm going to pour a glass of wine and get back to my reading!
$20 Groceries
January 22nd, 2012 at 08:30 pm
January 22nd, 2012 at 11:16 pm 1327274167
January 23rd, 2012 at 02:20 am 1327285234
January 23rd, 2012 at 01:39 pm 1327325953
January 24th, 2012 at 04:01 pm 1327420911
January 24th, 2012 at 05:39 pm 1327426771