Well, I stayed in all day, didn't even take a shower or get dressed. It's not really that bad outside -- it's not snowmageddon -- but why go out if I don't have to? I'll probably go to the grocery store tomorrow, though.
I tried out my drying rack today. I've used it before for a few little things, but have never hung up a whole load of laundry. I got everything on it except for a pair of jeans, which I draped over my shower rod. I expect that tomorrow I will put everything in the dryer for a few minutes to take out the stiffness. If I can do this fairly often, it will save on the electric bill.
I made a frugal lunch of mashed potatoes (made with sour cream and garlic) topped with cheese and grilled onions. Yum. Supper was leftover cream of vegetable soup. Just to make it different I put it in the blender to make it smooth. Because there were a lot of carrots in it, it came out apricot-colored, which looked a little odd. Still tasted good.
For sweets, I had a big cookie my boss gave me yesterday, and some tea breads that were laid out in the break room. Since I was on a low-carb day yesterday, I wrapped up a few slices and brought them home for today. I really ought to track how much free food I get. I take something in to work every once in a while, but it would never occur to me to bring in as much food as others do. Are they getting rid of stuff they don't want around? I do know that some of it is left over from meetings. But a lot of it is just food that people bring from home, not necessarily for any special occasion.
There is one of those Time-Life "Music of Your Life" commercials playing in the background. They are certainly targeted for people my age -- so many songs I remember, but never hear anymore. Making me quite nostalgic. And, of course, who else but people my age would actually buy a set of CD's? Everyone else downloads what they want on their I-pod -- or whatever. I haven't gone there yet. Guess I am officially old.
Lazy day
January 22nd, 2012 at 12:42 am
January 22nd, 2012 at 12:47 am 1327193229
January 22nd, 2012 at 02:21 am 1327198885
January 22nd, 2012 at 03:20 am 1327202449
January 22nd, 2012 at 08:58 pm 1327265893