I did my $20 grocery shopping this morning. It was certainly quick, because I bought three items. A bag of cat food, and two bottles of Co-Q-10, which were BOGO. With a $2 off coupon, that got me just .07 over $20.
Just for the record, I am merely pretending that I have only $20 to spend, and making my decisions based on that. I still have food to get me through the week. If i hadn't, I probably wouldn't have bought the Co-Q-10. I take it because I also take statins, but when I talk to others it seems I am the only one who does this (upon the advice of my doctor). I'm always wondering if I'm wasting money, because Co-Q-10 is one of the more expensive supplements.
I also picked up the pants I had shortened. For some reason unknown to me, I got a $2 discount, so it was $8 rather than $10. I didn't argue.
Then I swung by the library. I wanted to see if "Seize the Day," which was recommended by PS was there, but it wasn't. I checked out a couple of videos and three books, so I'll be busy for a while. I have a bunch of books here at home that my sister gave me, and I've been working my way through them, but I had a craving to read some of my favorite authors. One of them is Alexander McCall Smith, and I got his latest in the Scotland series today.
I still hadn't made the split pea soup that I bought the ingredients for last week, so I got that on the stove today in my beautiful new stock pot (Christmas gift).
I printed out a BOGO coupon on Hallmark cards and my printer let me know I was low on ink. This is the first time I've had to replace the ink since I got the printer -- gosh, must be at least a year ago. I got it from Epson online with no shipping charge. (Otherwise would have had to go to Office Depot, which is not particularly close by). It was $38.
I went to the Toyota dealer on Friday evening to get my seatbelt buckle replaced, but it turned out the wrong part had been ordered -- passenger side rather than driver side. I think it was just a miscommunication, but the guy was all apologies. I have to go back on Monday, but he told me he would knock $50 off the price. I hope he remembers that! I am really not upset about having to wait a couple more days and would be delighted to get $50 off.
Saturday errands
January 28th, 2012 at 10:45 pm
January 29th, 2012 at 12:33 am 1327797190
January 29th, 2012 at 02:44 am 1327805076
This was had Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts and was called Mr. xxxx's War. (I forget his name.) But i didn't think it was that good.
Was Seize the Day just checked out by someone or the library just didn't have it?
Tonight I watched Copying Beethoven, which was better than I expected. If you liked that one about Mozart (I forget the name, but it was pretty well-known), it's similar, except this is about Beethoven.
January 29th, 2012 at 03:05 am 1327806319
January 29th, 2012 at 03:06 am 1327806382
I saw that one you are talking about with Tom Hanks. I remember liking it okay, but not being thrilled with it.
January 30th, 2012 at 01:28 pm 1327930090
I didn't check the catalog to see if the library owned Seize the Day. It wasn't on the shelf. I'll check next time.