Home > Goodwill shopping

Goodwill shopping

February 2nd, 2012 at 05:15 pm

I went to Goodwill last night for my regular senior citizen discount shopping. I bought only 3 things, but they were good.

I found a cashmere scarf from J. Crew, tag still on, in my DIL's favorite color -- orange!

A brand-new package of Madagascar penguins.

A like-new book that I had already recommended to my son.

The first two will go in the Christmas stash; the book I will just give to my son.

The total cost was $4. Woo-hoo!

My Comcast payment was taken out -- it is $42, a nice savings over $85.

My subscription to is up for renewal. I haven't used it much lately, but I've been meaning to. I still have a lot of work to do on the family tree. Meanwhile, I DO use it at work, so I will renew. It will be another thing I can put on my new Citi card.

I'm really enjoying my new seat belt. What a nice feeling -- to just snap it together and go!

8 Responses to “Goodwill shopping”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    You are the best Goodwill shopper. Do you go to more than one? I think I need a new one--

  2. CB in the City Says:

    No, I always go to the same one. I admit, it is a good one -- one of the wealthier Chicago suburbs.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    There are two around here--and indeed the one in the funkier neighborhood is lousy. Your finds inspire me to investigate others!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    How much did the seat belt end up costing you since they kept screwing up the part?

  5. CB in the City Says:

    It was only $25. Would have been $125!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Wow, $100 saved is worth the inconvience in my book!

  7. CB in the City Says:


  8. rob62521 Says:

    Glad the seatbelt fiasco is behind you!

    Great bargains...we don't have a Goodwill in our town.

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