Home > A nice jump in savings

A nice jump in savings

February 16th, 2012 at 02:56 am

Just put $800 in my savings account. Woo-hoo! My tax refund, plus a little extra.

I had to stay home from work yesterday because of ... well, to put it politely, gastrointestinal issues. I went to work today but my stomach is not feeling too great right now. Hope I'm not having a relapse.

I had to reschedule my son's birthday dinner --- again --- because I started getting sick Monday night. Now he's coming on Saturday. Of course, all the food was ready to cook. I froze what I could, cooked what I had to -- but because I felt so bad I let the carrots burn and may have ruined the pan as well! I will have to make some adjustments to the menu. What a trial this is turning into! I'm glad there isn't another birthday until June!

1 Responses to “A nice jump in savings”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    WooHoo on the savings!
    *Blah* to feeling sick and burning food.
    Hope you feel better soon!

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