Home > A Wal-Mart trip

A Wal-Mart trip

May 5th, 2012 at 04:55 pm

Just went to Wal-Mart and used the bulk of my $100 gift card -- spent $92. I was really surprised how quickly it added up, because it didn't seem like much of a haul.

I got:

3 bags of stir-fry veggies
box of gingersnaps
box of Bubba burgers
2 bottles generic Zyrtec
can of mushrooms
jar of pimiento cheese
jar of beef bouillon
tube of liquid foundation
big bottle of wine
loaf of wheat bread
big box of Honey Nut Cheerios
box of Club crackers
box of elbow macaroni
tub of raspberry sherbet
bottle of vanilla

This was no money out of my pocket, so I'm not counting it in the $300 challenge. A nice boost!

Later, I'm going to go get a haircut. I've been looking online for Great Clips coupons, but I'm not having any success. I did enter their contest for free haircuts for a year, though. That would be sweet!

I went to the library last night and checked out the movie "Jane Eyre." I really wanted to see it in the theatres when it came out, but I didn't catch it. I think it was probably worth seeing on the big screen. But free on the small screen ain't bad.

On Monday I have to go into the city for a one-day conference. I'm trying to figure out how to get there. Train and taxi would be the easiest, but not the cheapest. Driving may be cheapest, but it depends on the parking, and parking is a nightmare. I could take and train and then walk, but it is a 25-minute walk if I make no wrong turns -- and rain is in the forecast.

Free entertainment tonight! A great big moon in the sky! I may not be able to see it, it is so overcast here.

Another treat this morning -- there was a blue heron sitting by our pond -- first one I've ever seen here. I pointed it out to a man who was walking his dog, who didn't seem as interested as I was. Smile

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