Yesterday was another no-spend day. Normally I would have gone to Goodwill for my Senior Citizen's discount, but I'm going to cut that down to once a month.
I got my check from the booth - $46.21 -- once again a little more than half the rent, so that just confirms my decision to close down at the end of the month.
Next week I will have a doctor's appointment in a neighboring suburb and then the following day I have to go downtown again for a meeting. And this time I won't get any free food! However, this meeting will take place on a college campus, so I should be able to drive and park. So the two visits will involve extra gas and perhaps a lunch out. I also have that trip at the end of the month to think about -- the one to clean out the booth. I will stay with my friend, but there will the cost of gas, and we always eat out.
Today I'm making a list of loss leaders at Jewel and Dominick's. (Albertson's and Safeway to many of you!) I have a very short list of staples to get as well. Even though I'm not doing the $20 food challenge any more I want to continue to keep food costs low as part of my $300 challenge.
Another no-spend day
May 10th, 2012 at 01:28 pm
May 10th, 2012 at 01:31 pm 1336656703
March 12th, 2019 at 10:41 am 1552387267