Yep -- it's done! I packed up everything (on the hottest weekend yet, I might add) and now I have fifteen boxes in my dining room. I collected $75 in sales and will get my deposit back ($82.50) in the mail. And I will no longer have to pay rent. Yay!
The garage sale idea is on hold -- I actually have to borrow someones' yard/garage to do it, and the date I had reserved for it now will not work for either me or the owner. I've got so much going on already this summer I may just do eBay a little at a time. Or even ignore the boxes for a while.
I have $25 left in my $300 challenge, and I believe I will devote most of that to gas. I have to make a 40-minute trip to the doctor on Thursday, and I'm pretty sure I don't have the gas for it.
I will not pick up either the vacuum (which I now know will cost $89) or the alterations until after Thursday.
On my weekend trip, I spent less on gas than expected, but more on eating out -- about $20. I also spent $26 on baby clothes at a secondhand store (however, they were almost all new) and $5 on a top for me.
June will be full of expenses. I'm taking a camping vacation with my son's family; I have planned two dinners out with friends, and I have two birthdays in the family, which will entail not only gift-giving but dinner-making. (I have some gifts in my stash already). I also have to go to a workshop in downstate Indiana, for which I am shouldering some of the expense.
I've had a headache for three days now and I wish it would go away!
The booth is now closed
May 29th, 2012 at 04:50 pm
May 29th, 2012 at 07:17 pm 1338315449
May 30th, 2012 at 01:20 am 1338337238
Good luck with the sale of your stuff.