Home > Wow!


June 1st, 2012 at 05:19 pm

My $300 challenge makes a difference. I spent $293 on my designated categories, and that made for a low-spending month and an anticipated transfer to savings of $854!

Here's the breakdown of my total spending: $1712.

Rent - $1132
Utilities - $181
Fees & Services - $115
Vacation & Travel - $64
Groceries - $54
Gifts & Charity - $40
Gas - $38
Miscellaneous - $22
Personal - $15
Eating Out - $13
Medical & Health - $11
Vet & Pet Supplies - $11
Clothing - $5
Car Repair & Maintenance - $3
Entertainment - $8

June will be more of a challenge. I will be taking a camping vacation with the grandkids and I will have to count that outside of the $300 -- there's just no way to include it. Which is okay, I think. Once I am retired, vacations will have to come out of a savings account for special expenses -- and they will have to be cheap! (As I think this one will be). However, much of the planning will be under my DIL's control, so I will go with the flow and try to optimize my spending where I can.

5 Responses to “Wow!”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    "Wow!" is right. A whole $854 to savings! That's awesome. Great job. Smile

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    $54 to groceries is amazing to me! Great job. I think you've got the right idea about your $300 challenge parameters, too.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Well - ahem -- I DID use a $100 Wal-Mart gift card for groceries, so it's not that amazing. We'll see how this month shapes up.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job!! Maybe you could give yourself a limit on the trip even if outside of your $300 spending goal.

  5. Shiela Says:

    You are doing a great job.

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