I looked at two more condos this weekend (open houses, not appointments). Both were in the same large, vintage building complex. They had charm but some serious drawbacks -- like ancient plumbing. So I'm still looking.
My lease has to be signed on July 1. I can either pay about $300 more a month for a month-to-month lease, or sign a 12-month lease at $22 more per month, but with the caveat that if I break it, I have to pay two months rent in penalty. (Almost $2500). Ouch. I don't like either option very much. If I can close by August 15, however, they will give me a break and let me out of the lease. But since I'm not even close to a deal now, I don't think that will happen.
In other news, I've already spent $200 of my $300 challenge money. $83 for groceries, $13 for household supplies, $11 in cat food & litter, $11 for TWO FATHER'S DAY CARDS (obviously I didn't look on the back of the card to see what I was paying. Nice cards, -- BUT!) $20 for alterations on a jacket and pants, $39 for gas, $15 for a program fee, $58 for a doctor's appointment. I believe I may get reimbursed for the program fee. Gee, and only 26 days to go!
Condo hunting & the $300 challenge
June 4th, 2012 at 05:41 pm
June 4th, 2012 at 06:31 pm 1338831081
Buying a home is likely life's biggest expense and not to be rushed. When I was seeking a condo to buy, I did my best to imagine myself doing the tasks that fill my week. It's very important to review [the oh so boring condo documents/minutes the Association can loan you [not worth buying] to understand upcoming issues/problems/expenses and possible Special Assessments.