Home > Back from Vacation

Back from Vacation

June 11th, 2012 at 06:38 pm

My camping vacation cost me only $185! That included four days in a cabin, all the food, gas to get there, firewood, parking and other fees, and a new pair of flip-flops! The weather was great, and we did some swimming, hiking, and lots of good eating! Now it's back to reality.

I brought home all the food the others wanted to throw out, and probably have a full week of cheap eating ahead of me. Also have a free meal scheduled tomorrow night when I work at a golf outing.

Just before I left, I okayed a $125K offer for the condo with the reluctant seller. She still hasn't responded to my agent, so later in the week he is going to show me a few more places that just came on the market.

Since my vacation didn't count in my spending money, I still have $90 left.

3 Responses to “Back from Vacation”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    That's a wonderful vacation!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Wow, that is a bargain price for a 4-day trip! Congrats and welcome back!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Nice! Sounds refreshing and fun. I always end up with everyone's toss-away food too.

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