My lunch for my DIL went splendidly. She wanted homemade tacos with all the fixin's, and carrot cake. Everything turned out well, and there were lots of leftovers, all for $29. The old tradition was taking the whole family out, which would have been WAY more expensive (though easier, I admit!)
For presents, I gave her two Fiesta bowls, an orange whip to go with her orange-accented kitchen, some new kitchen towels and cloths, some Wilton cookie cutters in snowflake shapes, and a crafts book she had put on her Amazon wish list. She seemed pleased, even though this is less, too, than it used to be. But we are all feeling the financial pinch, and I am sure she understands.
After the celebration, we all went swimming in "my" pool and then she and my son left for some couple-time while I took care of the kids overnight. Yes, I'm exhausted, particularly because I didn't sleep well (and not the fault of the children, just that off-switch problem).
Since I didn't go anywhere, I still have $9, but I'll spend it tonight for a few necessities.
While at the playground with the kids, I found a Sacajawea dollar! Awesome!
The Birthday Party
June 25th, 2012 at 03:58 pm
June 25th, 2012 at 04:03 pm 1340636580
June 25th, 2012 at 06:45 pm 1340646303