Eighty-one cents. That's what I have left for the next four days.
Last night I bought 18 eggs, a pound of shredded cheese, and a feminine hygiene product, for a grand total of $8.05. I have plenty of food to get through the week, and almost half a tank of gas in the car, so I should be good.
I'm pretty amazed that with all the spending challenges I had this month I still managed to come in under $300. I definitely made some adjustments I wouldn't have done without the challenge, and I've surprised myself. There's always another way!
I'm really pumped to start a new month. Just have to to lay low for a few days.
I'm anticipating that I will be able to put $600 into savings come payday.
I have another birthday dinner to make -- not yet planned. It was a June birthday, but hectic schedules are making it difficult to pick the day. If by any chance my son calls and says to do it this week, I'll count it off July's budget.
Otherwise, July looks pretty free. I have a conference in August, and a wedding in September, but those expenses will not come from the everyday budget.
Eighty-one cents
June 26th, 2012 at 06:46 pm
June 26th, 2012 at 06:57 pm 1340733425
June 26th, 2012 at 07:43 pm 1340736200
June 26th, 2012 at 09:53 pm 1340744006