Yesterday I bought a gift on Amazon, and for the first time I actually had to pay something! $37 for some computer software. Would have been around $59, but I still had some credits to apply.
I did a load of laundry for $1.50.
When I got home last night at 6, I put a turkey breast in the oven. I'd bought it before Thanksgiving, when prices were so low. I let it thaw this weekend, thinking I would get around to cooking it, but I didn't. So I had to do it last night. It cooked until 8. Of course, by then, I had already made myself a peanut butter sandwich, too hungry to wait. But I'll have a turkey dinner tonight. And sandwiches and casseroles later.
Some of you may remember I bought some stuff at Macy's last month, opening up a new credit card to get the savings. I have not yet received a bill. Yesterday I tried to create an online account, but I couldn't make a payment, because I didn't have my credit card number. I was quite worried that I hadn't received my credit card either, so I tore through my house last night and finally found the card in the bottom of my train bag. So now I wonder if I got the bill and misplaced that, too? Oh well, now that I have the card, I can get online and pay today.
I have another load of laundry to do tonight -- a red load, which happens fairly rarely, like a blue moon! It's actually red, pink, purple and orange. I finally learned I can't wash red with anything but these colors. It's quite exciting when I get a full load, so I can wear some of my favorite things again!
I still need to get gifts for my DIL, my grand-nieces and my nephew. For my DIL I'll get something from her Amazon list (she's hard to buy for). For my grand-nieces, I just need to buy a fabric-painting kit -- I already have T-shirts and a how-to book. (I have a 40% coupon for Michael's so that's where I'll get it.) For my nephew, I'm at a loss. Last year I got him a gift card, and I may do that again.
Oh, and I probably need to get a little something for each of my sons. I have their big gifts, but our tradition is to have some little gifts, too. Hmmm, think, think. Since one of them just had a birthday, it's always hard to turn around and think of something new. When they were needy college students, it was so much easier!
Mostly musing about gifts
December 4th, 2012 at 02:51 pm
December 4th, 2012 at 08:16 pm 1354652214
December 5th, 2012 at 11:24 pm 1354749880