I don't think I spent anything yesterday. That hasn't happened in a while!
I just volunteered to be Treasurer for a board I'm serving on. I figured, money, spreadsheets -- what's not to like? Seriously, no one was stepping up, and how hard can it be? I guess I'll find out.
I also just got a text from my BFF saying she will be coming to Chicago this weekend with her son's family. Tentative plans are to meet at Navy Pier on Sunday. However, may not happen, since I'm going to an end of the world party on Friday night.
Christmas shopping is done! I do have to make two ornaments, but I have the materials. It is my goal to finish them on Saturday. I'm making two Ninja warriors out of felt, using a cookie cutter template. Hoping they will come together easily.
It's looking like I will have a few days to just enjoy the season before Christmas. I do like it that Christmas is on Tuesday.
With Christmas shopping done, I can finally start thinking about 2013 goals. Here are a few:
Buy rugs for the living room, dining room and hallway.
Double-pay the mortgage every month.
Send extra funds to 1) replenish slush fund or emergency fund, if necessary. 2) pay more on mortgage.
$300 challenge in January.
Continue to pay credit cards in full every month.
Build up MyPoints rewards, Pine Cone payments, Swagbucks and Discover rewards for Christmas gift fund.
Establish a routine for making & freezing lunches.
There will probably be more as time goes on.
Our first winter storm is forecast for tomorrow. I am so glad I am ready with a warm coat, boots, mittens, scarf and hat. It will be interesting to see how it changes my routine.
Last night when I was waiting for the train, a huge, long freight train pulled up and eventually stopped on the track my train uses. After some time an announcement came on saying that my train would be using the middle track. This usually means going to the intersection to get on, because the middle track is fenced off from the station. But the freight train was in the way, so we all had to get to the other side -- which meant walking (fast) to an underground tunnel, and THEN getting over to the intersection. We didn't have much time and I was the last straggler to get on the train. I had visions of it pulling away before I could there!
Then this morning, I left the house a little late, and really pushed it to get to the station. I was walking up the steps as the train pulled up. Two very close calls. Not that it's a tragedy to miss a train, but the wasted time is so aggravating when I'm already gone from 6 to 6. Well, nothing like a little excitement!
Hmmm, I think I had a no-spend day
December 19th, 2012 at 05:13 pm
December 19th, 2012 at 05:44 pm 1355939062
December 19th, 2012 at 07:43 pm 1355946238
December 19th, 2012 at 08:47 pm 1355950033