What a month. I’ve said that before, but this is exceptional. It seems like everything big hit at once.
Housing - $2997
• This includes my mortgage payment, doubled, then rounded up to $700. Also, at least 55% of my annual property taxes, and the regular assessment fees.
Furniture & Equipment - $2869
• New couch (minus $500 deposit) , two room-size rugs and three area rugs (half the cost – other half to be paid upon delivery)
Insurance - $332
• Semi-annual auto
Gifts/Charity - $175
• Birthday, Christmas (2013), some donations, cards & wrap
Fares - $148
• Train Pass, tollway pass, parking
Home Repair/Maint. - $105
• New lock and keys
Eating Out - $99
• Two dinners with family, two dinners with board members, one dinner with friend, one lunch with family, contribution toward pizza with family – no drive-thru fast food!
Groceries - $97
• Under goal of $100
Utilities - $92
• Cable, internet, gas, electricity
Phone - $55
• Pre-payment
Medical/Health - $49
• OTC drugs
Vet/Pet Supplies - $22
• Food and kitty litter
Personal - $22
• Haircut, pantiliners
Gas - $20
Entertainment - $20
• Netflix, a movie, football pool
Laundry - $19
• Under goal of $20
Clothing/Accessories - $13
• Umbrella
Household Supplies - $10
• Facial and bathroom tissue
Car Repair/Maintenance - $4
• Battery for remote
Grand Total - $7148
The good news – most of this was either planned or unavoidable.
I hit some goals, like grocery and laundry. Way under my usual usage on gas.
The eating out, though high, was much more “quality” than usual.
In other news, my dinner with board members last night came to $12.90 including tip. I just had a hamburger and fries, but it was a big one and very good. I took my usual train but got off at a different stop. Even though I had plotted out the route on Google maps, in person it wasn’t that clear and I took a wrong turn, but still got there ahead of most of the others. I missed the 8 o’clock train going back, and I didn’t want to wait for the 9 o’clock, so I asked one of my dinner-mates to show me how to use the CTA (rapid transit) which runs much more frequently. She insisted that I ride with her and use her pass, so I didn’t learn anything, but got home for no more money out!
Today’s adventure is a mammogram at the hospital. I drove this morning so I could drive to the appointment today. Traffic was light and moving fine, but at rush hour it will be a different story!
January Recap
February 1st, 2013 at 02:27 pm