I rarely have so much going on in one weekend, but this weekend was the one!
On Friday night I went to my son's house for chili and visited with their cousin from Florida and the cousin's new little baby boy.
On Saturday morning I went to my ex's house for brunch -- saw the whole family, plus my ex-sister-in-law who was a college friend back in the day. In fact, it was her fault I ever met my ex.
On Saturday afternoon I did my grocery shopping and laundry.
On Sunday night it was back to my ex's for a ham dinner.
On Sunday I went downtown to meet a friend. We saw "Life of Pi" and had dinner at a cute gourmet food shop which also serves sandwiches, quiche, etc. I also learned how to get downtown on the El!
So here is what I spent:
Gas - $15
Laundry - $6
Household supplies - $5
Cat Food - $11
Dinosaur Sippers for grandsons - $5
Insoles - $2
Groceries - $27
CTA Pass - $5
Movie - $10
Dinner - $10
I also found time to do my taxes, which cost $20 to TurboTax. Unfortunately I will have to pay upwards of $2500, so I won't send the check till April. I'll try to scrimp and set aside that amount so I don't have to hit savings too hard.
I also gave $2 to a homeless man and paid $5 for parking this morning at the hospital (had another post-surgery checkup).
Had quite the scare when I was downtown and thought I had lost my keys. In fact, I had left them at home. Luckily, I carry an extra set of house keys in my bag -- so glad about that!
I drove to work this morning because of the appointment at the hospital. It was the worst driving conditions yet this year -- lots of snow made the roads slick and hazardous. Lots of accidents. Very slow going in some spots. It looks like it is clearing now, so I'm thankful for that!
Fabulous Weekend
February 4th, 2013 at 05:39 pm