Yesterday my boss told me that my office is targeted for takeover. It's a nice office, pretty big, windows, nice view, quiet area. The higher-ups want to move me out and move a couple of people in here -- possibly putting me in a little office downstairs. (And I'm demanding the red stapler!!!)
I would hate that. I don't want to be downstairs, where all the personalities clash. I floated the idea to my boss that I could share space with someone and telecommute 2-3 days a week. My work is the kind that is easily done long-distance. But no one has ever acknowledged that.
Well, this morning my boss told me that her boss thought the idea was "intriguing." I'm amazed! But it still has to be approved by Mean Girl, who will turn it down for sure. Just to be mean.
But it's so much fun to think of working from home half the time! What a lifestyle improvement that would be! Since I live alone, distraction wouldn't be an issue -- I'm sure, in fact, I could be much more productive at home. But I'd better not get carried away, because, as I say, it will not be approved.
In other news, I do believe I managed to have a no-spend day yesterday. I think I can do it today, too, as nothing is on the horizon.
Got a free breakfast this morning -- a birthday girl brought in bagels. I brought in some leftover ravioli for lunch. Dinner will be tortilla pizzas.
I talked to another commuter this morning who is making the same crazy commute that I am. He is a high school teacher whose high school closed, and he had to take a job in this distant suburb. And there is a professor here at the college who also lives in my suburb. I see him sometimes on the train. It's good to know I am not the only one who is traveling so far -- and at least my time on the rails is limited by my inevitable retirement. Both of these men are younger and have homes they don't want to try to sell. They will be stuck with this for some time.
February 6th, 2013 at 03:51 pm
February 6th, 2013 at 05:18 pm 1360171110
February 6th, 2013 at 07:15 pm 1360178131
I kept that up for almost three years until we moved.
February 6th, 2013 at 11:13 pm 1360192404
February 7th, 2013 at 12:02 am 1360195342