We got a snowfall last night which is probably only a shadow of what will hit the East Coast -- but it was bad enough! Last night it was just wet and sloppy -- my feet were soaked when I got home -- and this morning there is a thick layer snow on top of bumpy ice. Made for a treacherous walk to the station, which will probably leave me sore tomorrow morning. I'm so glad it's Friday and I can stay inside tomorrow.
I plan to spend tomorrow doing laundry, housework and cooking for the week ahead. Pretty exciting, eh? No errands or entertainment, as I'm on a spending fast until my Discover billing cycle closes on the 11th. Hey, that's only three days away! Should be a cinch.
I also want to do some practicing on my recorder and get back into writing my novel. Lately my weekends have been too busy to do either -- but truthfully, if my kids invite me to do something, that's all out the window. Nothing beats out spending time with my kids.
Everyone have a great Friday and a great weekend!
Friday musings
February 8th, 2013 at 02:29 pm