And I forgot to get a little something for the grandsons. I will stop at Walgreen's on the way home and pick up some candy and cards. Maybe they'll be on sale!
That will put an end to -- drumroll -- four no-spending days in a row!
Free breakfast today -- though not a healthy one -- treats brought in by the staff. I also hear there will be a free chocolate fountain at the cafeteria, though that probably means you have to buy something to dip in it.
Tomorrow is payday. It is also the day I will pay my $3500 Discover card, pulling $$$ out of my slush fund to do it. I know it will hurt a little, but i can build up the slush fund again. I do have several challenges -- the second half of my rug payment and my income tax. I won't be able to do a lot of saving.
I have pretty much made it through my week after the grocery skip, but the fridge looks really bare. Since I may have a guest this weekend, I'll have to do some stocking up on Friday evening. I say I MAY have a guest because my BFF is planning to come, but is also in the process of moving her mother into a nursing home, and if a room opens up unexpectedly, she must stay to take care of the move.
I just got a call from my DIL -- an invitation to come over for heart-shaped pizza tonight! I'm in!
It's Valentine's Day
February 14th, 2013 at 02:24 pm