Payday is here, and I paid off my Discover card to the tune of $3,495. I transferred $1,000 from savings to do it. Hurts, but that's what the slush fund is for.
I spent $7 last night on two small boxes of Whitman's chocolates for my grandsons. I was hoping they would be on sale, but no dice. Interestingly enough, there were virtually NO valentines left on the shelf! I don't know if they sold them all or if they just cleaned them out a little early.
I had a very nice dinner of salad and homemade heart-shaped pizza with my son's family, and they gave me a box of Girl Scout cookies to take home.
For some reason, it seems any kind of stimulation in the evening gives me a sleepless night. Whether it's a bad experience, or a good one, if I do anything other than go straight home from work and zone out, I can't go to sleep. I'm really exhausted this morning, and I'm so glad it's quiet at work and no one will notice. So far, anyway!
Still don't know whether I will have company this weekend. I do hope she will arrive tomorrow rather than this evening, because I think it's going to be an early night for me! I'm pretty sure she won't try to brave the traffic tonight. Friday night rush hour on Lake Shore Drive is not for sissies! Or, more to the point, not for anyone who isn't extremely patient.
There was a sign at Walgreen's last night saying they are moving! Actually, they are rebuilding on the same spot, but will temporarily move out during construction. Darn! That's my go-to spot on the way home when I need to take a break. Oh well, now that the days are getting longer and the weather is moderating, it's an easier jaunt to the station. As my mother used to say, we've broken the back of winter.
Pay Day and Now I'm Broke
February 15th, 2013 at 03:24 pm
February 15th, 2013 at 08:05 pm 1360958739
February 15th, 2013 at 08:22 pm 1360959757