Home > Lazy Day

Lazy Day

February 23rd, 2013 at 10:47 pm

I haven't left the house and didn't shower until 3 o'clock. But I haven't been totally lazy. I did four loads of laundry, caught up on my mending, did some cooking and some picking up.

I watched the last episode of Downton Abbey. Shocker!

My dentist's office happily rescheduled my appointment without a charge. Now I'm scheduled for Thursday at 9. I think I will take a later train, so I can walk to the dentist from the station. It will be closer. I do so hate to drive when it isn't absolutely necessary.

My brother called this morning. He is going to come to visit the weekend after next -- he will be flying out to Texas on Sunday and I'll give him a ride to the airport. Usually I don't see him unless I go up to Michigan to visit, so I'm pleased. Unfortunately, he will just miss seeing my son, who will leave for Florida next weekend. I can't even stand to think about that. Frown

1 Responses to “Lazy Day”

  1. Amber Says:

    Sounds like a productive day to me. How long is your brother staying? I hope you guys have fun.
    I'd like to be the first to welcome your son to Florida. I know it's bitter sweet, maybe you two can Skype?

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