The day isn't over yet, so I won't do my February totals yet. I got a boost, though, from a survey I completed last month -- they finally sent me my $20 payment in the form of a debit card.
I spent $2.41 on a cup of coffee this morning. I was stuck in the downtown station for almost an hour and felt I had to buy coffee in order to sit and wait at Corner Bakery. I try to avoid the regular waiting room as the panhandlers work that pretty regularly.
I don't know how I managed to misread the schedule, but I was expecting to catch a train much sooner than that. I was late for my dentist's appointment -- luckily, they can get me in at noon today, so that didn't turn out to be a problem. Except that I was late to work for no reason. I can't make it up at the end of the day, either. My sons are bringing over a file cabinet tonight -- I believe it's the last item I will receive from the big move. But who knows what might be left on Saturday?
The fish and their tank were delivered last night. I was a little worried at first about the stress they endured being transported in a bucket, but they all are alive this morning and seem to be swimming about happily. I have three angel fish, three catfish, three tetra, an algae-eater that looks prehistoric, a fancy guppy and couple of vanilla-looking fish that my son can't remember what they are ... may be a kind of tetra. I got all my instructions from my son, plus all the accoutrements. I think I can do this.
Got my last bill from the uro-gyno surgeon last night for $76. It will be covered by my flexible spending account, but I will still count it as spending. (Not really my LAST bill -- I will have another follow-up in a year.) But basically that's all a done deal now. I'm feeling pretty good. Hope there will be no more medical issues for a while.
The last day of February
February 28th, 2013 at 04:27 pm